
ACIA AUTOMOTIVE screenwasher removes scraps and enhance your visibility to improve your safety.
60% minimum bio
All our products meet celaning regulation (EC) n° 648/2004 and annex XVII regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 of 19th of april 2018.
60% biodegradation after 28 days
Labels must contain all cleanser products
Methanol concentration must be equal or below 0,6% (weight)

ACIA AUTOMOTIVE range for ready to use or concentrated, adapted to each season, without any smudge, without methanol and perfumed :

  • Summer screenwasher to enhance insect removal
  • Winter deicing screenwasher to avoir scratching
  • Anti-rain screenwasher to facilitate water evacuation
  • Eco friendly screenwasher (biodegradability > 99% according to OCDE 302B method)

ACIA AUTOMOTIVE know-how is to design for YOU to answer your needs.

Contact us for more informations

If you are looking for specific screen washer components sheet, click on the corresponding designation below :


Code article Désignation Gencod N° Fiche Compo
0000506670 Screenwashers -30°C ANTIGIVRE ACIA A PULVE 500ml 3 332266 670053 399
0000506783 Screenwashers CONC. ACIA PARFUMÉ 1/2L 3 332266 783050 177
0004006390 Screenwashers -15°C TOUTES SAISONS 4L 3 332266 390180 392
0005006139 Screenwashers ETE SUPER DEMOUSTIQUEUR ACIA A 5L 3 332266 139208 480
0005006383 Screenwashers -10°C ACIA A PARFUMÉ 5L 3 332266 383205 386
0005006541 Screenwashers ETE X1 5L 3 332266 541209 067
0005006645 Screenwashers -25°C PLUSS rose PARFUME 5L 3 332266 645204 156
0005006670 Screenwashers -30°C ANTIGIVRE ACIA A 5L 3 332266 670206 399
0005006683 Screenwashers -20°C ACIA A PARFUMÉ 15% GRATUIT 5L 3 332266 683206 416
0005006747 Screenwashers ETE 1ER PRIX 5L 3 332266 747205 067
0005006784 Screenwashers -20°C ACIA A PARFUMÉ 5L 3 332266 784200 416
0000506379 BUG REMOVER ACIA 500ml 3 332266 379055 486